With personnel account, you mustn't enter a cost center. Cost centers must be entered with 3 characters. The entered cost center doesn't exist. You can enter only one personnel account. You entered an account, which is used by personnel accounts. The automatic insertion of correction entries may unleash some serious problems in the open item entry. Account numbers must be entered with 4 or 5 characters. The entered personnel account doesn't exist. The next date must be before the last one. You can't enter more than 30 characters for text. Please enter only one line for text. While entering without decimal-point you can't enter a comma. You didn't enter an amount. Entries with tax must have only one profit account. Entries with tax must have one profit account or one loss account The entered tax key doesn't exist. Debit- and credit account must be different. The entered account number doesn't exist. Please enter the date like . Please enter at "Interval" only one of the charcters "W", "M", "Q", "H" or "Y" Please enter at "Interval" only one charcter. Please enter at "Action" only one of the charcter "R" or "E" Please enter at "Action" only one charcter. There isn't enough Memory. This permanent entry will not insert.